Update Type: Legal Updates
On 17 February, EDC has received 14 bids, at the tender for Phase 2 of the National Solar Park project which is more than generally expected. Phase 2 comprises a 40MW solar project in the Cambodian province of Kampong Chhnang, a few hours driving from the capital Phnom Penh On 1 December 2020, Cambodia’s public […]
In addition to the Construction Law, which was passed in 2019, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction issued a new sub-decree on construction permits, Sub-Decree No. 224 ANKr. Br on 30 December 2020 with the intention to further regulate construction in Cambodia. Highlights of this note Permit Types and Application Process Competent […]
昨年12月1日、EDC(カンボジア電力公社)はナショナル・ソーラー・パーク・プロジェクトのフェーズ2の入札を発表した。2019年に実施したフェーズ1の出力60MW 入札では、タイのプライム・ロード・アルタナティブが落札した。 本稿のハイライト プライム・ロードが注目されるが、何が起きてもおかしくない。 事前資格審査は簡単、現地調達義務も資本参加義務もなし。 カンボジアのPPAは信頼性が高く魅力的。 用地取得は問題とはならない。 入札でVAT(付加価値税)をどう扱うか。 コロナ禍での建設最終期限はいつ。 私の予測
On 1 December 2020, Cambodia’s public utility the Electricité du Cambodge (“EDC”) launched a tender for the second phase of its National Solar Park project. The first phase, 60MW, had been won by Prime Road Alternative of Thailand after a competitive tender in 2019. Highlights of this note Prime Road is the one to watch, […]
In response to several COVID incidents linked to international travel and foreign diplomats, the Cambodian Ministry of Health is sharpening the measures applicable to most international travelers arriving in the country.
As a developing country, child labor has been an important concern in Cambodia for decades. The increased power of social media has shone a new light on child exploitation. Highlights of this note Convention on the Rights of the Child: Provision on the Protection of Children From Economic Exploitation Does Cambodia Allow Minors to Perform […]
Introduction The banking system in Cambodia includes commercial banks, specialized banks, microfinance institutions (“MFIs”), rural credit institutions, financial leasing companies, third-party processors, credit bureaus, representative offices, payment service providers, and money changers. Of these entities, commercial banks play a crucial role in providing financial services to the general public and businesses, ensuring economic and social stability, and the sustainable growth of the economy. As of this writing, there are 51 licensed commercial banks in Cambodia; […]
Employers should be aware that 2021 labor compliance deadlines are approaching. The period to apply to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) for the 2021 quota approval for foreign employees is now open and runs from 1 September 2020 to 30 November 2020. Applications for work permit renewals for 2021 are to be […]
On 20 May 2020, Cambodia’s State Secretariat of Civil Aviation issued new rules for international travelers arriving in Cambodia. The new regulation addresses the problem of Cambodian and overseas nationals coming (back) to the country during the pandemic. A Cambodian national who returned from the Philippines that very same day was discovered to have COVID-19. […]
In response to the current economic situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to relieve the burden on borrowers facing financial hardship, the National Bank of Cambodia (“NBC”) has issued Circular No. T7.020.001 directing banking and financial institutions (including microfinance institutions) in Cambodia (“Institutions”) to be flexible with regard to debt repayment by offering loan […]
On 23 March 2020, in response to the spreading of COVID-19, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) issued notification 009/20 requiring all employers to provide an updated list of the contact telephone numbers of all employees to the Department of Labor Inspection of the MLVT by 26 March 2020. Lists are to be emailed to [email protected]. […]
Sickness is a paid leave permitted by the Labor Law (Article 169). Therefore, during sickness, employer needs to pay the salary of his employee. Highlights of this note If an employee falls sick, who pay the salary? What if an employee wants to stay home to take care of children or school closed or child […]
With the emergence and spread of COVID-19, the sale of protective masks and antiseptic disinfectant have greatly increased to the extent that it has become difficult to buy them at a reasonable price.
The spread of the novel coronavirus is creating a global emergency situation and negatively impacting almost every country in the world, including Cambodia. In response to this viral pandemic, the Royal Government of Cambodia, as well as the National Bank of Cambodia (“NBC”) is taking immediate action to steer the economy through this very difficult […]
In the wake of the tragic and fatal building collapse in Sihanoukville June this year, the new and hotly debated Construction Law has come into force on 2 November 2019 and is now set to become a real factor which will take into account in a wide range of investment projects in Cambodia. Highlights The […]
As you may be aware, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) has issued several regulations since its introduction of an employee seniority payment for those with unlimited duration contracts (“UDCs”) (which replaced the indemnity for dismissal previously stipulated in the 1997 Labor Law) through an amendment to the Labor Law (for more details […]
As you may be aware, according to the applicable regulations, foreign employees are required to renew their 2019 work permits and employment cards (“Work Permit”) with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) by 31 March 2019. Through its ministerial announcement (No. 008/19), dated 27 March 2019, the MLVT has extended the deadline for […]
As you may be aware, according to the applicable regulations, employers of foreign employees are required to ensure that they obtain a work permit and employment card (“Work Permit”), and that such Work Permit is renewed with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) on an annual basis. With respect to 2019 Work Permit […]
Electricite du Cambodge (“EDC”) has finally issued the long-awaited tender for the development of a 60MW solar power plant to be connected to the national grid, which is Phase 1 of a planned 100MW solar power park. On 13 February 2019, EDC issued an invitation for bids for the development, design, finance, construction, operation, and […]
According to a previous notice of the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) dated 22 December 2017, all corporate entities were required to complete their online re-registration with the MOC by 31 December 2018. Recently, the MOC issued another notice, No. 0384, dated 30 January 2019, regarding further extension of the online re-registration deadline to 31 December […]