Myanmar keyword: Power projects

September 30, 2020

Proposals have been evaluated, preliminary winners have been selected. The focus on Myanmar’s largest ever competitive tender for renewable energy, launched in June 2020, is now shifting to whether the winning bidders can indeed get their projects implemented, and do so within the strict time limits set out in the tender. Highlights of this note […]

August 30, 2020

As Myanmar is experiencing a new wave of local COVID-19 transmissions and the outbreak is continuing to disrupt Myanmar’s economy and business operations, the government has just added 71 new projects to the Project Bank, for a grand total of 129 projects that are now officially endorsed and prioritized by the Myanmar government.

July 30, 2020

The tender launched in May by the Electric Power Generation Enterprise (“EPGE”) for 30 sites totaling 1,060MW in Myanmar made quite a splash and was even subject to an unsuccessful claim by the newly created Myanmar Competition Commission for illegally discriminating against foreign bidders.   Bids were due on 17 July 2020 with reportedly a total of 155 proposals submitted. With controversies now behind them, hopeful bidders awaiting […]

June 2, 2020

The MOEE is in the final stages of approving an extension of the bid submission deadline for the Myanmar solar tender. It is expected that the MOEE will announce an official extension within the next day from 18 June 2020 to 17 July 2020.  VDB Loi is organizing a webinar on Thursday 4 June 2020 to […]

May 31, 2020

VDB Loi is trying to do its part in Myanmar’s efforts to stimulate the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. As the Ministry of Electricity and Energy has launched a 1 Gig solar project tender, we have asked our relationships at state and regional governments, local clients and other contacts if they have any suitable land […]

April 29, 2020

As with all sectors of the economy, the infrastructure sector in Myanmar will likely be significantly impacted by the current COVID-19 outbreak. Although there is no nationwide mandated shutdown, delays in construction projects are expected nonetheless. Highlights of this note Force majeure provisions in Myanmar PPAs Entitlements for contractors under construction contracts When to claim […]

February 29, 2020

After decades of highly controversial land acquisitions for public purposes, Myanmar turns a new page by passing the Land Acquisition, Resettlement, and Rehabilitation Law 2019 (Law no. 24/2019, referred to herein as the “LARR 2019”).

June 29, 2019

Quite an eventful week for the power sector in Myanmar with the announcement of new electricity tariff for customers, the issuance of tender documents for five rental projects as well as the appointment of a new managing director of the Electric Power Generation Enterprise (“EPGE”) . Highlights of this note New Managing Director at EPGE […]

October 31, 2018

Parliament is currently debating a bill on petroleum exploration, drilling, and production, which is intended to apply to both offshore and onshore activities. The law will mainly repeal outdated regulations from the 1950s and intends to serve as a way of organizing the sector. The bill follows the long-awaited Mining Rules issued in February 2018 […]

September 28, 2018

電力不足解消へ窮余の策日本経済新聞 朝刊 日本経済新聞9月21日朝刊に「ミャンマー、LNG発電所急ぐ –電力不足解消へ窮余の策」のタイトルでミャンマー電力事情の紹介記事が掲載されました。VDB-Loi エドウィンのコメントが紹介されました。 停電が日常茶飯事で、工場は自家発電機なしでは成り立たない――。そんなミャンマーの電力事情に希望の明かりがともっている。何事も政策決定に時間がかかるミャンマー政府だが、電力分野ではスピードを速めているからだ。 政府は1月、液化天然ガス(LNG)を燃料とする火力発電所を建設する3つの事業計画にゴーサインを出した。このうち規模が大きいのは2カ所。南部のタイ国境近くでは仏トタルと独シーメンスが出力123万キロワット、中部デルタ地帯では中国の浙富控股集団が現地企業と合弁で139万キロワットの発電所を建設する。投資額はそれぞれ約25億ドル(約2800億円)。2カ所だけで現在の国全体の発電能力の46%に相当する。 こうした動きを主導するのがウィン・カイン電力・エネルギー相だ。ミャンマーは天然ガス産出国だが、中国やタイへの輸出契約に縛られ、国内向けは今後不足する。初めてとなるLNG輸入には賛否があるが、「LNGを輸入しなければ電力不足になる」と押し切った。 「2018年はミャンマー政府が革新的な手法を導入した年として記憶されるだろう」。今回の事業に関わるヤンゴン拠点の弁護士事務所、VDB・Loiのエドウィン・ベンダーブルゲン代表は前向きに評価する。 ウィン・カイン氏は今回、政府内の合意形成に時間がかかる覚書締結の手続きを飛ばし、省庁による通知で事業者を選定。電力買い上げ条件などは事後に話し合う。新手法は水力発電所のプロジェクトにも適用され、8~9月には関西電力や丸紅が参加する2カ所の水力発電所にも通知が出た。批判はあるものの、事業を早く進めるには有効だ。 都市化の進展や農村の電力網整備に伴い、ミャンマーの電力需要は25年に現在の2倍の800万キロワットに達する見込み。水力発電所などは稼働が安定しないため、発電容量では追加で700万~1000万キロワット必要になる。 ただ、電力価格の交渉が順調に進むかは不透明だ。現在の電力料金は発電コストを下回り、補助金で支える「逆ざや」の状態。英大学系の政策支援機関インターナショナル・グロース・センターによると、コスト超過は15年以降に急増した。 政府は事業者に払う費用の値切りに懸命だ。コストが見合わなければ交渉決裂の恐れもある。消費者向けの電力料金引き上げが不可欠だという認識は政府にもあるが、20年に総選挙を控え、様子見をきめこむ。 環境への負荷が大きい石炭火力発電の扱いなど将来のエネルギー計画には曖昧さが残る。複数の業界関係者は「LNG火力の3案件が全て実現するとは考えにくいが、1カ所でも前進してくれれば」。逆に実現しなければ、ミャンマーの電力不足は深刻になる。 (ヤンゴン=新田裕一)

February 28, 2018

Despite their high profile presence in Myanmar, there are relatively few Japanese invested energy projects slated as a priority project in Myanmar. For example, the four recently announced LNG/Gas to Power projects which received approval from the Government have no Japanese investors at this stage. This was one of the issues discussed at a recent […]

February 28, 2018

On 30 January 2018 the Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) held a ceremony in NayPyiTaw to sign four so-called “Notices to Proceed”, each one for a planned LNG or Gas to Power project, in total nearly 3,000 MW. Highlights Highlights of this note What is a Notice to Proceed? Why a Notice To Proceed […]

September 25, 2017

On 9 September 2016, the Myanmar Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE), through the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise, (MOGE), published a request for Expressions of Interest for the “bulk supply and or terminal of LNG in Myanmar”. Highlights The Myanmar government’s interest in LNG How much LNG does Myanmar need?   No long term […]

September 20, 2017

The new Dam Law of 2017 (the “Law”) is only pertaining to the duties and rights of the authorities, maintenance and protection of dams, compliance before construction of dams, preventive measures for overflow of water, and payment of compensation to land losers. It does not clarify on the factors which would affect the hydropower projects […]

September 15, 2017

As Myanmar increasingly liberalizes, decentralizes and opens its power sector to foreign investment, foreign IPPs are faced with a legal and regulatory framework that is in full transition.

July 31, 2017

Myanmar is rich in various natural resources and has advantages due to its geographical location. It has huge water potential, with its four major river systems, which is essential for hydropower projects. The rising national power demand, appreciation of foreign investments by the government and high interest in the hydropower sector, all these factors are […]