Myanmar keyword: Farmland Law

July 9, 2024

Converting farmland for commercial purposes (La Ya 30) in Myanmar involves navigating detailed processes and complying with specific regulations based on Myanmar law. Recently, we successfully obtained a La Ya 30 permit for a power generation project in Kyaukphyu, Rakhine State, which involved two types of lands. We first obtained Form 15a, issued by the […]

September 29, 2017

VDB-Loi’s comments on the draft Law on Registration of Deeds and the Law Amending the Farm Land Law have recently been submitted to the Amyotha Hluttaw (Lower House). As the situation currently stands, the Amyotha Hluttaw will submit VDB-Loi’s comments to the Pyithu Hluttaw (Upper House) with their additional commentary after discussions. Upon a recent […]

August 30, 2017

August was a busy month at the National Assembly with most attention going to amendment of the Telecom Law. Central to the amendment are the harsh sanctions on defamation and misinformation using telecommunication means, presently a non-bailable offence. Legislators in both chambers are seeking to recalibrate the provision. Waterways were also discussed through the draft […]

June 30, 2017

A draft amendment to the Farmland Law 2012 is currently pending approval by the Myanmar government. Amongst the amendments, the most significant changes pertain to the consequences of violating orders by the government authority responsible for approving changes to land use rights, namely the Central Farmland Management Body. According to the changes, if a project […]