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Reopening of the Registration of Import-export Activities

Reopening of the Registration of Import-export Activities

May 20, 2024

On 14 March 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued notice no. 0609/ICC to resume the registration of operators who import and export goods and services from 18 March 2024 onwards.

Import-export operators must register with the Department of Foreign Trade to be able to import or export goods and services.

The Industry and Commercial Division of the provinces and Vientiane Capital will focus on notifying the following for registration:

  • Exporters of agricultural products, particularly rice, coffee, tea, potatoes, and rubber
  • Service providers of international transportation, insurance, tourism, hotels, telecommunications, construction services, financial services, manufacturing services, restoration services, maintenance services, intellectual property use services, technical services, consulting services, and other services

Registration certificates issued from 18 March 2024 onward will be in a new format. Import-export operators who have registered and obtained certificates prior to the implementation of the new format are permitted to use their existing certificates.

Within 10 working days of obtaining the registration certificate, import-export operators must notify the Foreign Exchange Management Department of the Bank of the Lao PDR to obtain a certificate for opening a bank account for the import-export of goods and services or convert an existing bank account with a commercial bank for this purpose.

Without the registration certificate and an import-export bank account, import-export operators cannot import or export goods or services or conduct any financial transactions with commercial banks.

If you have any questions about this alert or need further information regarding the above, please contact the undersigned or your usual VDB Loi adviser.