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Announcement on Launching the Verification QR Code on Certificate of Incorporation

Announcement on Launching the Verification QR Code on Certificate of Incorporation

August 30, 2024

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) and Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (“MPTC”) announced the launch of a standard QR code verification for certificates of incorporation through the verify.gov.kh website. The verification uses blockchain technology to ensure the security of the documents.

In line with the Cambodian Digital Economy and Social Policy Framework 2021-2035, this cooperation between the two ministries aims to promote the widespread use of digital technology in public services, making them more convenient, effective, and efficient.

The public can easily use their smart devices to verify certificates of incorporation using the standard QR Code. According to Article 6 of Sub-Decree No. 52 dated 3 March 2023 on the establishment of the verify.gov.kh system, documents featuring the standard QR code are officially recognized and do not legalization of photocopied paper documents is not required.

Verification by QR code for certificates of incorporation offers several advantages, as below:

  • Enhanced security: Using QR codes improves the security of the document verification process, making it harder to counterfeit or manipulate records.
  • Convenience: The applicant can quickly verify the authenticity of documents by scanning the QR code.
  • Time efficiency: The process is swift, allowing for instant verification.
  • Cost savings: It reduces administrative costs associated with verification, benefiting both individuals and organizations.
  • Transparency and trust: It increases the transparency of the document verification process, fostering trust among stakeholders.